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Our Little Bighorn Battlefield guides are the very best on the planet, and we don't make that claim lightly.

Custer was on the offensive until the very last. When he reached the hill that would forever carry his name he traded victory for immortality, but his end was not like in the movies. Lakota and Cheyenne did not ride round and round him in decreasing circles; some approached on foot, some fired from long distance, until finally Chief Comes in Sight led a charge that would ultimately end it for that day.


It is said that history is written by the victors, but the Battle of the Little Bighorn has proven to be the exception to the rule, and some say more ink has been spilled on the epic encounter than blood was on the battlefield!  But of the thousands of books and articles, scarcely a handful have been published by Lakota and Cheyenne historians – the descendants who keep the stories of the victors.


Did you know that right after the battle, warriors made a pact between themselves never to speak of the battle and who’s war deeds were whose…such was the trepidation of retaliation from the US government upon their families that these stories were not told until relatively recently.


What does that pact mean for you? It means that the stories passed to you from decades of telling are one-sided and sometimes flat out wrong. After all, if you don’t know both sides, how can you know the truth?


Our Little Bighorn Battlefield guides are the very best on the planet, and we don't make that claim lightly. They are knowledgeable, friendly and some have even said going to the battlefield with our guides is like having a battle participant at your side!


Our guides will dispel the often repeated myths such as there were 10,000 warriors against Custer and his men. Custer was only one of many men who died at the Little Bighorn, fighting in the name and cause of their respective nations: All five companies with Custer were annihilated, and with associated 7th Cavalry casualties, the total fallen rose to 263; the Cheyenne lost 14 men on the field, including the great Lame White Man, and the Lakota lost closer to double that.


But why did Custer really lose?  Come with us for to learn how it was that on June 25, 1876, the 7th Cavalry were out-thought and out-fought.


Litle Bighorn Battlefield
Crow Agency, MT
Tours run between May and October.  Most tours begin
at 9am
Meet outside the Custer Battlefield Museum at Garryownen (exit 514 off I90)
Near Last Stand Hill
Your choice. If you want to see everything, you need a basic fitnes level to be able to walk, but it perfectly feasible to do most of this tour from  your car.
These tours are 'step-on' meaning your tour guide will join you in your vehicle with pre-arranged meeting and drop-off points.
We do not include meals or hotels although if you would like us to help you organize other aspecs of your visit, we can usually help.
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